04 February 2017

Respect Begets Respect

I intentionally enlarged that image above because nowadays, 
people doesn't know how to do that anymore.

Respect begets respect as a saying goes. That means, give respect, take respect.

To whom it may concern, I have literally lost my respect for you below sea level. 

Come on! What the hell happened to you? Just because you're older, you're senior at work, you think you're smarter, doesn't mean you wont respect the person who is younger than you, new to her job and even have lack of experience! You are supposed to lift her up not pull her down. You are supposed to help find her way because she was lost. You are supposed to be her guide because she doesn't know where to start. You both have the same goals. She's not perfect and neither you. 

When I was young even until I grew up, my mom and dad never missed to remind me always and forever to respect someone (especially older than you) even if they don't respect you. Sometimes, it makes me realize that they are wrong. 

On my 27 years living in this sickly sweet world, I have always been a respectful person because thats what I have been trained for. Within those years, I have respected people even they were not of me. Respect is actually mutual. A person cannot act haughty and expect respect from others like duh! "pagsure oy!" 

Now you might think I am hypocrite. Who cares? Everybody is hypocrite. Its just that I am tired of respecting people without even trying to respect you as well. 

Seriously, not everyone deserves respect. Respect is earned not given.

As per Kuttaiah Chendanda,

Respect begets respect means Give respect, take respect.

I totally agree with you on the views about respecting individuals and person.

But don't always expect to be respected as not everybody is confident enough to lower their ego, be humble and talk with respect.

So be the bigger human, greater soul and respect others, the ones who reciprocate are the ones who are of your mindset.

Just because someone else is rude to you, why do you have to lose your natural qualities and be rude. Be yourself.

People tend to be rude due to a few reasons like,

  • Rough upbringing
They think that it is normal to be rude
  • Defensive
Scared tto open up
  • On purpose
To create the image of a ttough personality

So be calm, humble and sweet to everybody. Calm yet strong and steadfast in your word.

And there it is. 

1 comment:


Despite all best efforts, some people are simply difficult to communicate with. And unfortunately, I've met this person yesterday.  You ...