31 October 2015

Halloween 2015

 Halloween or Hallowe-en is a kind of celebration observed in a number of countries on every 31st of October, the eve of all Hallows' Day (the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallow), martyrs and all the faithful departed. 

Activities includes trick or treating, attending Halloween costume parties , decorating, carving pumpkins, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, fortune-telling games, playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories and watching horror films. 

 At Halloween, yards, public spaces, and some houses may be decorated with traditionally macabre symbols including witches, skeletons, ghosts, cobwebs, and headstones.

 The annual Greenwich Village Halloween Parade in New York City 
is the world's largest Halloween parade.

 KSA friends' version of Halloween party.

But then, I grew up not knowing anything about halloween since were not used to celebrate this kind of occasion. and up until today, I still don't. 

Yet still, HAPPY HALLOWEEN to those who celebrates it All Over the World! 

Peace. :-*

19 October 2015

I'm Not Sorry

Let's be honest - you don't like me because you don't like yourself. I've never done anything to hurt you or to make your life worst. Becoz If i did, I could understand hating me. But since the only reason you have is that you don't like who I am, or the choices I make; I'm left to realize that it's something in me that reminds me of something about yourself you don't like. And I'm not sorry.

Ever since I came here, there's this one human being who keeps getting on my nerves. I have never done anything to this person. We don't even have this usual conversations or whatever memories so far but whenever I try to talk to her or make some conversations, as if I am Invisible.

Like as if I am being left hanging on a cliff.

It feels uncomfortable of course. It's like you've been stabbed a million times, yet you still manage to get up and act like nothing happened. (worst!)

I admit, I am not a human pleaser. I make mistakes, I fart, I get happy from simple things, I cry. But come on! Don't act as if your a deaf. It makes me dumb.

Anyhow, I just can't contain being like this because I have never experience this in my whole life.

I know I will never be able to completely ignore people who don't like me for no reason. I hate it when people have the wrong impression of me and it's so hard to want to control the need to say "No, that's not who am I at all!"

But at this point, I try to encourage people not to try and defend themselves. If you know who you are, then you don't need to defend yourself. Okidoki?



Despite all best efforts, some people are simply difficult to communicate with. And unfortunately, I've met this person yesterday.  You ...