Have you ever thought on how you sleep at night?
What is your usual position when you sleep?
Did you know that your sleeping position can reveal about your personality?
According to psychologists, your sleeping position actually has a connection with your personality and the way you think, feel and behave. This can be better understood in terms of body language. Our postures and gestures while we are awake have something about us.
Here are 6 common sleep positions associated with distinct personality traits.

This is the most common position.
*Sturdy and Strong on first impression
* Introverted and sensitive at heart when better known.
* Takes time to open up to others but when they do,
they are relaxed and comfortable.
2. LOG position. (Lying on your side with both arms straight down by your side)
* More sociable and Even tempered
* Shows a natural inclination to be with elite company.
* Called as the "social butterflies"
* Very trusting
* Easy to fool
3. YEARNER position. (On your side with both arms at your side)
* Open to new things
* Suspicious and cynical
* Sets very high standards for themselves.
* Only act when fully convinced of their action
* Once they make up their minds, they almost never change it
or have any regrets.
4. SOLDIER position. (Lying on your back with your arms at your sides)
* Calm and aloft by and large
* They do not see much point in making a big deal out of things
* Tough taskmasters
* Sets very high standards for themselves as well as for the others
5. STARFISH position. ( Lying on your back with both arms up by the sides of your head)
* Instantly likable people (not without reason)
* Great listeners and make awesome friends
* Always willing to offer help to friends in trouble
* Humble
6. FREEFALL position.
(Lying on your stomach with hands up and around the pillow, and the head turned to one side.)
*Confident, Extrovert and Brash
* Enthusiast and Merry-maker
* Take criticisms personally
* Selfish
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