To all DOG Lovers OUT THERE!!!
Turns out there's a ton of foods you probably didn't know about that can actually be really bad for your dog, including some that are perfectly healthy for humans.
After all, there's nothing worse than having your dog suffer over a simple mistake in diet. While they're still man's best friend, they probably shouldn't eat like your best friend.
Here are 12 human foods that your dog SHOULD MOST DEFINITELY AVOID
Chocolate. It is one of the most foods that is bad for dogs. It contains caffeine and theobromines which fall under the methylxantines category.
If eaten by your dog, chocolate can cause vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pains, sever agitation, muscle tremors, irregular heart rhythm, elevated body temperature, seizure and the most terrifying. Death.
Milk. Puppies drink milk from their mothers after they are born. However, like humans, dogs can also suffer from lactose intolerance.
Consumption of milk could lead to vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. While it's not immediately life-threatening, it can contribute to serious bacterial exposure in dogs that could eventually lead to disease.
Cheese. Like milk, cheese also has sugars and fatty components that dogs don't have the necessary enzymes to breakdown.
Cheese and other dairy products can cause problems if consumed in excess. Symptoms like gas, diarrhea and vomiting can all occur if a dog eats too much cheese.
Onion. While onions go with pretty much anything savory, they can do more than just make your dog cry. It contains compounds that can be harmful to dogs if ingested enough. It can damage red blood cells in dogs causing them to become weaker and move around less. If enough onions are consumed, a blood transfusion may be necessary.
Macadamia Nuts. One of the most recent discoveries, macadamia nuts can be incredibly harmful to dogs if eaten. The specific chemicals found in macadamia are still unknown right now, but they are known to cause a toxic reaction to dogs if ingested. Dogs will develop weakness and an inability to walk, specifically in their hind legs. Vomiting, staggering gait, depression, tremors and hypothermia.
Garlic. Consider your dogs vampires and keep them away from raw garlic as much as possible. Like the chocolate rule, the stronger the onion, the more toxic it can be. Since garlic is part of the onion family, its even more dangerous to dogs than onions per ounce. The dogs urine will be orange to dark red in color. Like with onions, a blood transfusion may required in severe cases.

Grapes. While its currently unknown what chemicals and compounds are in grapes, that cause toxicity to dogs, the results of consumption can be pretty devastating.Grapes and raisins can cause rapid kidney failure. While it varies between dogs, symptoms may not show up in them. Dogs will also develop dehydration and lack of appetite. Death from kidney failure may occur.
Avocado. Avocado leaves, pits, bark and fruit contain a toxin called pepsin.
It can have toxic effects on dogs depending on the variety. They can cause upset stomach in dogs, breathing difficulties, fluid build up in the chest, but the most dangerous thing for them seem to be the pit. Since it's slippery, the pit can accidentally swallowed thus leads to obstruction.
Apple Core. The core of an apple (as well as plums, peaches, pears and apricots) contains cyanogenic glycosides which is also known as cyanide.
Some of the symptoms that come from ingesting the toxin are dizziness, struggling to breath, seizures, collapsing, hyperventilation, shock and even coma.
Yeast Dough. It's used to make bread should absolutely be kept away from dogs. The raw yeast dough from making bread can ferment in a dog's tummy, becoming toxic.
Aside from toxicity from alcohol being produced in the stomach. It can create a large amount of gas in the digestive system. This can lead to severe pain and a potentially ruptured stomach or intestinal tract. Lethargy can also occur.
Caffeine. No idea would ever share coffee with a dog. What do they have to do all day other than sleep and look out the window.
Coffee contains stimulant which can stimulate the nervous system in dogs, causing vomiting, restlessness, heart palpitations and even death.
In all seriousness, owners should never let their dogs near coffee or any form of caffeine.
Bacon. Foods rich in fat, like bacon, can lead to the disease pancreatitis in dogs. Once a dog has developed pancreatitis. Their pancreas' become inflamed and stop functioning correctly.
This leads to all sorts of problems with digestion and nutrient absorption.
Well, more bacon for us then. Sorry buddy! :)
all, there’s nothing worse than having your dog suffer over a simple
mistake in diet. While they’re still man’s best friend, they probably
shouldn’t eat like your best friend
out there’s a ton of foods you probably didn’t know about that can
actually be really bad for your dog, including some that are perfectly
healthy for humans.
out there’s a ton of foods you probably didn’t know about that can
actually be really bad for your dog, including some that are perfectly
healthy for humans.
out there’s a ton of foods you probably didn’t know about that can
actually be really bad for your dog, including some that are perfectly
healthy for humans.
out there’s a ton of foods you probably didn’t know about that can
actually be really bad for your dog, including some that are perfectly
healthy for humans.